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Bathroom Design

Bathroom Design

Remodeling or redecorating a bathroom can pay off right from the start. Your home will be more comfortable and you’ll add value to the property. If you’re thinking about freshening up your bathroom or making some major changes, you’ll want to read our articles on bathroom remodeling, renovation, and rejuvenation. Bathroom Remodeling Remodeling the Bathroom […]

Tips to Update Your Guest Bathroom

Tips to Update Your Guest Bathroom

1. Towels with a double-stitched hem are an affordable indulgence. 2. In a shared bathroom, clear a space for guests’ toiletries. Place non-essential items in lidded boxes or baskets that can be tucked away in a corner. A small shelf or tray is a perfect spot for guests to keep their things tidy. 3. A […]

Make your Small Room Look Bigger

Make your Small Room Look Bigger

Lots of people live in a small home, a small room, or just a small space. Some people live in a small apartment because that’s all they can afford, and they’re grateful for it. Some people live in a small apartment or home because they’re tired of taking care of a larger place and want […]

How to Paint Ceramic Tile

How to Paint Ceramic Tile

If you follow the instructions, you’ll enjoy years of life in your painted ceramic tile. Put on rubber gloves and cover any areas with a drop cloth near where you’ll be painting. Use painter’s tape to mask off the area and protect the surrounding walls. Repair any cracks or imperfections in the grout or tile. […]

Buying Patterns

Buying Patterns

Once you’ve figured out what kinds of patterns you like and what you think will suit your home it’s time to go shopping. Depending on where you live there will be different options available to you. If possible visit fabric stores, design stores, showrooms and furniture stores. Explore and speak to the staff about your […]